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Operational Design
Visual Design

As of 2024, I have taken on the coordination of the BIPOC-led Giving Circle, an assembly of members who contribute funds on a monthly basis and who contribute suggestions for recipients to receive funding. The funds are redistributed to groups providing support for BIPOC and low-income BIPOC individuals, in the spirit of community building and collective care. Everyone is welcome to contribute funds to the giving circle. Decisions about group function and redistribution of all funds collected are made by any BIPOC members wishing to participate in that process.

The main goal of the giving circle is to build cross-class and cross-race relationships and accountability within and between different communities. As well, to honour, share and learn about models of giving and organizing by and for communities of colour. We hope to create low stakes ways to share social access, time, skills, knowledge and resources while being in a spirit of care and learning.

I contribute general coordinating work through group facilitation, caring administrative bookkeeping, project management and outreach, as well as visual design and graphics for the project!